Worship Commission Ministry Opportunities

Worship Commission

(Staff Connection Deacon James King jking@evdio.org)

This commission gives special attention to creating a prayerful and reflective environment for uplifting liturgies and prayer services.

Opportunities to serve beyond the Committee:


Altar Guild

Make, launder, and iron the altar linens and albs used at mass. 

Art and Environment Committee

Plan and arrange the decorations in and around the church, especially before and after major liturgical seasons.

Liturgical Ministries
  • Sacristan – prepare for the liturgies and cleans up afterward. 
  • Greeter – provide a friendly and welcoming environment to all those who enter; pass out prayer papers and distribute bulletins  
  • Server – assist the priest and deacon at the liturgies
  • Usher – take up the collection and assist those attending to find seats at crowded Masses
  • Lector – proclaim the 1st and 2nd Readings and the Prayers of the Faithful
  • Gift Bearer – bring the host and wine up to the altar to be received by the priest and/or deacon
  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion– assist the priest and deacon in the distribution of the Consecrated Body and Blood of Christ
  • Wedding Sacristan – assist the bride and groom at the rehearsal and on their wedding day
  • Children’s Liturgy of the Word Leader
Music Ministries
  • Choir Member – act as a musical support system for the entire congregation.  There are various choirs that one can join depending on the Mass time and day. 
  • Song Leader – introduce and lead the songs at Mass, encourage the congregation to participate fully
  • Cantor – lead the assembly in praying the Responsorial Psalm through song
  • Musician – play musical instruments to enhance the liturgies
St. Henry Feast Day- Outdoor Mass and Dinner coordination Committee

This committee plans the outdoor mass and subsequent dinner connect to the celebration of the Feast of St. Henry